The Pulse



Unlikely mortality risk
Highly likely Mortality risk


Ibogaine is a substance found in a Western African shrub called iboga. Traditionally, it was used in ceremonies by people of the Bwiti religion. In recent years, it has been utilized as a method of treatment for opiate addiction by alleviating withdrawal symptoms and reducing cravings. However, the FDA has not yet approved it for a treatment for addiction. Ibogaine is a psychoactive alkaloid and is classified as a Schedule I drug in the US. The type of dosage given will dramatically impact the drug’s effect on the body. If only a small amount is used, it acts as a stimulant. However, if given in a larger dose, ibogaine will cause an individual to go into a psychedelic state

Learn more about Ibogaine

Other names:


Where do people get it?

Ibogaine is illegal in the United States, there is only a handful of countries that can do Ibogaine treatments.

How is it dangerous?

Some fatalities have occurred in relation to ibogaine usage. The risk of ibogaine-related death is increased in areas where the substance is not regulated or used under the supervision of a physician. The studies that have been conducted regarding ibogaine use have included a small number of participants and were conducted over a short amount of time. So it’s hard to determine if the same results from these studies would apply to the general population. The risks of ibogaine could be amplified if the individual is dependent upon other substances or have health complications. There are still many unknowns about ibogaine, and more research needs to be done in order to understand what the proper dosages are and the risk factors of ibogaine use.

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